A Circular Design Studio - Rebrand
Brand Design
Visual and Graphic Design
Visual and Graphic Design
A Circular Design Studio was founded by Andreas Zacho in 2020. His work is a fusion of Danish Design, sustainibility, and collaboration. All of his products are 100% recycled. During my time living abroad in Copenhagen, I was able to rebrand A Circular Design Studio as part of an ongoing series.

The process started with understanding of A Circular’s ethos and meaning.
How would it change?
How could I create an identity that represented the materials, design, and differentiate from other furniture brands in Denmark?
I created some concept identities up for review that helped tell the story of how I got to the identity choice I made my final case study.

I decided on using the primary colors for the color palette because it can capture the brightness of circular products and also mix with any color to create a variety of colors just like A Circular Design Studio’s product.