Flow Radio One

Art Direction
UX Design
Graphic/Visual Design
Flow Radio One is a radio site and internet archive started in The Bronx, NY. For my senior thesis, I built out the website, UX prototype creative assets, and brand guide of Flow Radio One.

A site built for listening. Allowing the user to never need to control any part of the music and just enjoy songs and DJ sets in the background.
About and Blog section that encapsulates Flow Radio One’s community. Archive made up of resident DJ’s that allows users to go back and discover more music.

Blog Section

Blogs that showcase music, culture, and the intersection between.

UX Prototype Concept

Using Figma I created a UX Prototype for Flow Radio One

The UX prototype uses the same branding and showcases what Flow Radio One could look like as an app. Allowing users to bookmark certain tracks from a set and reading the blogs on the go.

Brand Guide



Website Typeface

Application Typeface


Graphic Design


Flow Radio One was not just a project with my friends or a Senior Thesis. But created a community for people with the same interest to enjoy music, talk online, and meet up at shows. I found a deeper love for music, design, and strategizing how to deliver something that many of my friends consume. Being that this radio station is rooted in The Bronx where I spent four years of my life at Fordham, I found a diverse community of people who are creative, mutli-cultural, and passionate like me. I enjoyed this project so much and encapsulates everything I have done at Fordham whether it was my design, visual art, or computer science classes. Being able to encapsulate this in one thing was empowering and fun. I am excited to keep working on this even after graduation and see what how far Flow Radio One can get!